Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Great Indoors Magazine

The Great Indoors Magazine - Interiors, Design, Art, Previews & Product Reviews

This is brand new interior design website that has huge potential so keep an eye on it!
Looking forward to great things!

To bid or not to bid...that is the new question...!

It's the one...the right colour...right vintage...right legs though I like the rocker too, bidding this space!

To Beard or not to Beard...that is the question...??

My husband has ...'developed' (for want of a better word!) a beard over the past few weeks, mainly due to lazy shaving habits over the summer break. Is it for keeps? The Jurys still out. I'm loving it now....though it's a bit prickly...can't decide himself...hmmm decisions decisions.

Jason Wu

Here's that Jason Wu dress I previously posted albeit on a beautiful models's back! I' sure it'd look just as good on us mere mortals!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

L'Affiche Moderne

Lovely limited edition prints over on l'affiche
I've ordered these ones...but there's loads of choice

I want I want I want!!!!!
This one's on Birmingham and it's a vitra.

Loving these new dresses at the Jason Wu. Michelle Obama loves his work and sooooo do I !

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

VW Camper Van

VW Camper Van
Originally uploaded by mhodges
I always get a panging to take a little 'trip' when i see one of these babies....


Originally uploaded by Isco72

Is it considered nerdish to like Tintin? I bought a tintin comic for my 7 year old to read when the nights close in....looking forward to it already!



Originally uploaded by valeria.samborskaya
Today...loving the work of Cig Harvey....who is a girl not a boy by the way!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

We holidayed in West Cork & West Kerry this year. I'd forgotten beautiful places right on our doorstep....mental notes taken for next year!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Welcome to my new blog! Can't tell you what to expect yet...probably a whole lot of whimsical nothingness! Lovin' it already...!
